About us

Verein ScienceCenter-Netzwerk

We have an explicit goal – science should be accessible, understandable and usable for all citizens. We are convinced that this is an important contribution to tackling challenges and needs our society is facing today.

Therefore we apply so-called science center activities, which allow hands-on and low-threshold engagement with science and technology for everybody. They induce a curious and inquiring mindset as well as joyful experimentation and investigation.

It is our mission to demonstrate the potential of these science center activities and to use them in the best possible way.

As a non-profit organisation, we are a competence hub for interactive science engagement in Austria and coordinate the nationwide ScienceCenter-Network. Our work combines practice, research, networking and transfer.

Our vision

  • people who are open for something new, think independently and contribute positively,
  • an educational system that is fair, innovative and accessible for everybody,
  • society that develops sustainable solutions for the challenges and needs it is facing.
Kreative Lösungen im Wissensraum

Our mode of operation

As a non-profit association, we work on four levels.

  • implement various projects for the public, schools and special target groups,
  • provide exchange and visibility within the network,
  • learn from research,
  • share our experience through trainings, teaching and consultancy.

We work professionally, research-based and system-oriented. Independent of knowledge, age, gender, social or cultural background, we approach everyone on eye-level.

Our focus

We intend to shape, network and learn. We focus our energy on projects, from which we can derive new insights about the impacts of science center activities, and on working with multipliers to spread successful concepts. Over the past years we focused our work on three key aspects:

  • foster/promote a culture of innovation,
  • contribute to justice in education,
  • stimulate dialogue between science and society.
Vernetzung_im SCN Netzwerk


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Dossiers Wr. Zeitung

Beilage SCN_Weltbewusst_2016-1
Beilage SCN_10 Jahre SCN_2016-1
Beilage SCN_Move it_2014-1
Beilage SCN_Mobil machen_2012-1
Beilage SCN_Impulse für die Schule_2011-1
Beilage SCN_Würze für den Unterricht_2011-1
Beilage SCN_5 Jahre_2010-1